Overview of the Workers Survey



Developing a ILO/USDoL HIV/AIDS Workplace Education Programme, Barbados 2005


Part I: Report of findings from the Workers’ survey to inform recommendation & the design of pilot programmes in 5 enterprises


Table of Contents

Acknowledgements. 4

Acronyms & Abbreviations. 5

1      Executive Summary.. 7

2      Introduction. 12

3      Background. 13

Issues of impact 13

Barbados Country Profile & HIV/AIDS Epidemiology. 16

Barbados Labour force. 18

Key Sectors. 19

The way forward – The role of the workplace. 20

4      The Workers Survey. 25

4.1       Design and Approach to the Workers Survey for Barbados. 25

Selection of participating sectors and workplaces. 25

Selection of workers to be surveyed at each workplace. 27

Recruiting and training enumerators. 28

Pre-testing and administering the questionnaire. 30

Data processing/cleaning and data entry. 30

4.2       Analyses and Presentation of findings. 31

Constraints in data analyses. 31

Analyses to inform the performance monitoring  system.. 32

4.3       Respondent Demographics. 33

Age Distribution. 33

Gender distribution. 36

Marital status. 36

4.4       Knowledge and Attitudes related to HIV/AIDS Infection (Q201 to Q252) 37

Usual sources of information. 37

Knowledge. 39

HIV Risk Behaviour 55

5      Discussion and Conclusion. 69

6      Appendix  -. 82

6.1       Selected Frequency and Statistics Tables. (refer to the technical annex for detailed company tables and figures ) 82

6.2       ILO Workers Survey Instrument 94




The  workers survey study was jointly commissioned by the International Labour Organization and the United States Department of Labour. The survey was administrated and executed by Sarah Adomakoh, Executive Consultant of Associates for International Development and Lecturer in Health Economics at the Chronic disease Research Centre (CDRC) of the University of the West Indies, Barbados.


The information from the survey was derived through a series of face to face interviewer administered questionnaire with a random  sample of workers form the four selected target sectors of Manufacturing, Banking & Finance, Hotel and Tourism (HT) and including   one informal sector represented by the Taxi Drivers.  Findings from data analyses relate to investigations of HIV risk assessment of Workers with respects to their HIV/AIDS related Knowledge attitudes and practices. 


The objectives of this survey are to directly inform the baseline of the ILO.USDoL workplace education programme for monitoring purposes  and to directly inform the focus groups discussions and key informant consultations that form the formative assessment for ensuring a tailored  BCC approaches in the design of the workplace education  programme.


The resulting document provides information that necessary to inform preliminary guidance on areas of HIV risk and knowledge and beliefs  which the planned workplace education programme BCC strategies should focus on  in order to arrive at a cost effective approach to structuring the workplace policy development, education,  behaviour change and anti stigma interventions.


The workers survey is a tool for undertaking the HIV/AIDS risk assessment measuring HIV/AIDS related knowledge attitudes beliefs and practices of targeted workers.


The specific objectives;

The survey is designed to

  • Directly inform the baseline of the ILO.USDoL workplace education programme for monitoring purposes 


  • Directly inform the focus groups discussions and key informant consultations that form the formative assessment for ensuring a tailored  BCC approaches in the design of the workplace education  programme


The information for the study was derived through a series of face to face interviewer administered surveys to the workers in selected enterprises within the targeted sectors.  Trained interviewers were used to conduct the survey over a period of 15 days.

Other complements to this report include; 

Part II - the report of findings from the formative assessment, including a  brief review of the targeted sectors and recommendations and for the design of pilot programmes in enterprises across 5  employment sectors .