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“The difference for most, between a saved life and a sustained life, is the move beyond access to life - saving medicines …to cost-effective community-led strategies"


Our Commitment

At AIDInc we are passionate about building capacity and ensuring sustainability of programme processes and operations. 

  • As a result, our staff  and associates are known for providing  committed post project follow –up,  technical advice on a needs basis to ensure that once evaluations and assessments for informing programme designs are completed, that; recommendations are  communicated clearly to stakeholders at all levels; consensus is gained; action plans for the way forward  in policy and programme development are devised;  and obstacles , challenges and risks to implementing agreed upon recommendations  are collectively identified  and contingencies planned for.   We initiate this task primarily through information forums; feedback and empowerment focus groups and one-to-one stakeholder pre- and post project mobilisation visits. 

  • We are therefore committed to ensuring that our input into building knowledge and  applying and implementing change at community, national and regional levels will have received all the inputs necessary for governments to ensure sustainable and realistic action, outcomes and impact to their programmes in key areas of health and social development.

  • Importantly, we are also committed to working in close partnership with regional institutions,  Bilateral and multilateral organisations and Private Sector operating in the Latin America and  Caribbean region - in order to ensure adherence to defined quality standards and harmonisation of programme processes, outcomes and evaluation mechanisms across the region.

  • Further to this, we are committed to working partnerships so as to share experiences and scarce resources in order to remain responsive to the development of best practice solutions;  Solutions that are tailored to the rapidly evolving dynamics of socio- cultural and behavioural factors and key demographics that continue to threaten the hard won gains attained in health and development both regionally and world-wide.

  • Governments are able to call on us on a needs basis,  for follow up advice on previous AIDInc inputs and related work.



Our Commitment to Local Communities

AIDInc and our sister organisation youth division, Dance4lifeBarbados, are committed to the implementation of community development initiatives in the following ways; 

  • By funding development of and implementing community based health and social development programmes – both short and long term;

  • By Intergraliy involving youth and girls in all our projects -  from reearch, planning, design, programming and policy advocay action.

  • Through the support of fundraising activities for generating co –funding for community based initiatives and selected under-funded government driven projects;

  • Through the provision of technical assistance and capacity building in proposal development to members of underserved and hard to reach vulnerable groups.

  • Design and delivery of outreach prevention and awareness interventions on a needs basis