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Our Recent work

Youth leadership and Empowerment in the Caribbean and Latin America

Dance4Life (D4L) Barbados. AIDInc are the founders and concept owners of the  Youth Development and Leadership Programme. D4L uses novel youth-led schools an community based approaches to support exisitng  youth development  action plans to tackle HIV & AIDS and other development issues in the Caribbean. D4L has delivered successful outcomes in Barbados and has expanded its reach to Belize and Guyana and beyond  -  sharing  and adapting an emerging sucessful and innovative evidence informed youth empowerment model. 
Civil Society Empowerment and Human Rights in LAC region  
AIDInc has  implemented an evidence- based, commnity led pilot project that has empowered and built skills of rural  Amerindian girls and their parents and key communty gatekeepers  in the interior hard-to-reach regions of  Guyana to  tackle  violence against women and human trafficking.

The World Bank -  Health Systems Strengthening in Belize

Since 2015, AIDInc has been commissioned by the World Bank and Government of Belize to conduct an Assessment of the National Health Insurance Pay for Performance (P4P) programme and deliver policy recommendations for sustainability and national scalability.   The initiative is being co-led by team Leader Roger  England, health systems expert  and director of Health Systems Workshop  (HSW)  Sarah Adomakoh, AIDinc  UK principal consultant and executive director is leading the technical support to identify and address health information system gaps, structural issues and pitfalls in collection and monitoring processes,  in order to improve overall tracking and evaluation of outcomes.   

Ford Foundation Global HIV initiative

The overall goal of this mission is to directly contribute to the achievement of the FF internal and external goals of their Global HIV initiative  (GHI) through harmonizing approaches and building capacity within their M&E functions.  Using participatory approaches, in consultation with internal and external stakeholders (global sub grantees), AIDInc is also developing a streamlined, user friendly outcomes tracking system to measure progress of Ford towards meeting its internal and external objectives. That will also be effective in support grantees in the development of best practice outcome models. In addition to technical support, AIDInc lends financial support  by fundraising, and undertake institutional strengthening of  our sister Charity. AIDInc contributes to programmes and projects that are insufficiently funded and require counterpart funding,  technical advice and sustainability planning.

International Labour Organisation (ILO)/ US Department of Labour ( USDoL) Workplace Education Programme – Workplace Impact Survey & Formative Assessment.

AIDInc were lead consultants in the, baseline assessment and the design of the Barbados WEP through formative assessments, including focus groups, in depth interviews, data analysis, report preparation and feedback. Participatory approaches used throughout ensuring inclusion of target group in the all aspects of process and to support core capacity building goals of AIDInc.

We also continue to support the roll out in other countries in the region through sharing of best practices approaches and active contribution to training programmes

Final evaluation of the impact of the 2-year programme across the 12 enterprises exposed to this novel multi faceted BCC programme in Barbados. Survey adaptation, data collection, data management, data analysis and report preparation and feedback.

DFID – Accelerating the Private Sector Response to HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean Inception Phase, 2006. 

Consortium partner with International HIV/AIDS Alliance with responsibility of managing Barbados inception phase outputs. The project aims to support active private sector involvement in the development of health and wellness promotion strategies for the private sector and NGO/CBOs in the Caribbean, initially in the Hotel & Tourism Sector in Jamaica and Barbados, working in partnership with PLHIV and other vulnerable groups. Responsibilities included: technical planning; development of visual communication and marketing; events coordination; technical assistance to private sector and vulnerable group NGO stakeholders in the development of evidence based BCC sub projects demonstrating responsible tourism and effective partnerships. Key outputs include development of 34 sub-projects targeting approximately 4400 formal hotel workers in and a minimum of 2000 members of informal workers (taxi drivers, vendors) and vulnerable populations (MSM, Sex workers, PLHIV, Youth,) through various BCC activities.

Department for International Development (DFID) – Accelerating the Private Sector Response to HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean Implementation Phase, 2007-9. AIDInc.

Implementation partner with International HIV/AIDS Alliance with responsibility of managing Barbados inception phase outputs and supporting the roll out in Jamaica. Technical support of the implementation of 34 sub projects designed in the inception phase with a view to developing models of best practice to be scaled up across other sectors and throughout the region

During this project,  Hotel managers and CEOs issued first ever first Pledge and commitment to reduce vulnerabilities to HIV and AIDS in their local communities and Tourism environment. Together they partners wth community NGOs and ehalth care wores and produced, campaign materials, policy and programming tools and action. by 2009 several  workplaces were involved in taking aciton. Partners came togther and enrs renewed their pledge  of commitent towards HIV preventio and  mitigation for the longer term,  beyond the project phase 

Download the Best practices case study review document  

DFID - A Caribbean Sub Regional Assessment on Sex Work & HIV - Policy and Programme considerations.

A regional review of sex work and HIV in the Caribbean involving a review of legislative framework, demographics, issues of stigma and dissemination, access to needed services, needs of sex workers and their families, breaches of human rights.

DFID – Events Coordination. In collaboration with the Pan Caribbean  Partnership on AIDS  of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM  - PANCAP), coordinated and led a sub regional delegation in the  Horizontal Technical Working Group (HTWG)/DFID consultation, 2007, which ratified a set of priority next steps for sex work and HIV in the Caribbean.

DFID – Events Coordination. Regional meeting on the stigma and HIV, 2006. and consultants responsible for developing the technical focus for the 2004 high level conference eon HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination in the Eastern Caribbean- Champions for Change.

DFID Events Coordination– Accelerating the Private Sector Response to HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean Inception Phase – High Level Sustainable Tourism Conference .

Events coordination; technical planning; coordination and implementation including development of visual communication and marketing to all stakeholders including high level tourism executives. Event resulted in the buy-in of 2 large hotel chains with over 1000 hotel staff.

ILO/USDoL Workplace Education Programme

Training trainers  on using and adapting the ILO/FHI Behaviour Change Communication Toolkit for the workplace, 2007 - Adaptation and implementation of 4-day Training of Trainers workshop in the use of the ILO/FHI BCC Toolkit for the workplace. Involved design and development of workshop materials including PowerPoint presentations, leaflets, charts and handouts.

ILO/USDoL Workplace Education Programme, National BCC Consultant, Peer Education Programme (Manual Design, Training and Implementation), 2006/7.

Design, development and testing of tailored Peer Educators Manual for the training of peer educators and resource tool for peer educators in the workplace. Development and co-execution of three, 3-day Peer education workshop for over 60 peer educators in the ILO/USDoL programme. Ongoing in-field support for peer educators in the workplace to ensure that peer education programme is truly a Behaviour Change Intervention - dynamic and responsive to the changing needs or workforce and to ensure daily tracking for M&E of peer educator activities.

National HIV/AIDS Commission (NHAC), Barbados – Barbados Men’s Lifestyle Survey, 2006/7 Community based project aimed involving the design and execution of the first extensive national lifestyle survey (using quantitative and qualitative methods) for males (the Great male Survey and discussion forum) to inform health and social services planning and programming. The survey targets a representative sample of self-identified MSM (men who have sex with men) in addition to self-identified heterosexual males. Novel BCC approaches used to promote survey and gain stakeholder buy-in across various socioeconomic strata, cultural backgrounds and sexual orientations. Public relations campaign component raise national awareness about the survey, the importance of participation, and to promote healthy lifestyles in males. Current initiating collaborating with the regional “man initiative” project

National HIV/AIDS Commission (NHAC), Barbados –  - summative Evaluation of  the World cup Cricket  BCC campaign.

ILO/USDoL Workplace Education Programme, National BCC Consultant, BCC Materials Development - 2006. Health Communication for HIV prevention in the Workforce. Development of six tailored sector-specific materials for 3 sectors (Banking & Finance, Hotel & Tourism, and Manufacturing) using participatory approaches in which the target group themselves were consulted through focus groups to design evidence based (using formative assessment and workforce impact findings) slogans, channels and materials appropriate for their workplaces. Conducted focus groups and in-depth interviews; analysed data; and undertook pre-testing, in order develop BCC materials.

US Caribbean Ambassadors Fund, Health promotion for hard to reach populations – The Informal Workers HIV/AIDS Peer Education Project. HIV/AIDS Education/ BCC in the informal Tourism Sector, pilot with taxi and minibus drivers. Education of over 500 individuals in these groups through a peer education approach which trains Taxi drivers, community bus drivers and fishermen to act as information sources and champions for tourist and their local communities. Development of BCC based health promotion materials including posters, aprons for fisher folk, key chains, dominoes etc. Targeting the informal sector to design and develop novel BCC strategies using theatre production and related approached through working with actors and newsmen, presenters, etc including peer education, policy dissemination, condom distribution and partner reduction. See Update.

NHAC & Gob - Supporting the development and Implementation (roll out and buy-in strategies) of National HIV/AIDS Monitoring and Evaluation System, 2005/7.

Implementation of a Mulitsectoral National M&E system. Design of M&E system and development of a database. Training community organisations, NGOs, Ministries to streamline the execution of M&E strategies with HIV programme implementation. Developing and executing implementation and roll-out strategies. Community consultations; Programme evaluation; Strategic information system design; Development of public relation communication strategies for roll out of a new system; Implementation of monitoring and evaluation structures for all aspects of national HIV/AIDS programmes including monitoring of public communication strategies.

Global Fund, PWC - Assessment of M&E Principal Recipient M&E structures on behalf of Global Fund Suriname, 2005 – present.

In collaboration with  PWC, providing LFA services in Suriname; specialist health inputs to the assessment of the Global Fund Principal Recipients (PRs) with particular emphasis on work planning, and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Evaluation of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems through programme evaluation and community consultations.

UN Women  - Mainstreaming Gender into HIV/AIDS Programmes

Consultants for the development of regional manual/toolkit to mainstream gender into HIV/AIDS Programmes. This also included the pilot of the manual and initiation of master training workshops.

HIV/AIDS Strategic Planning

Undertaking the situational assessment and developing an evidence based profile of recommended strategies for the National HIV/AIDS Strategic plan for Barbados 2007 to 2012, Costing the plan and developing the M&E framework.

HIV/AIDS Services provision Assessment in the OECS   (HSPA Caribbean)

in collaboration with MEASURE EVALUATION/USAID

Our Recent Contributions

AIDInc Internship Programme: AIDInc has a growing internship programme aimed at strengthening the public health skills base among young local and regional scientists. We work closely with a number of other agencies such as PAHO and government of Barbados on various projects sharing interns to expose them to a broad range of skills sets and experiences. In addition AIDInc provides a fund for internship training and hence take on approximately 5 short term interns a year and 1 to 2 long term intern